Release notes
This page sumarizes the evolutions of the API.
Because we know nothin' about revision control software, the API is releases bear no version but dates, each date overwriting the previous ones. Help!
date |
notes |
2008-09-06 |
Paralympics opening and second release!
- Major changes of function and variable names!
- Added possibility to create/edit a forward-only email address.
- Unless other new bug, the email part is finished!
- Minor bugs fixed
And still a lot of TODO!
2008-08-08 |
Olympics opening and first release!
This version includes:
panelConnect() to establish a connection.
panelDisconnect() to close the connection.
panelSecurityKey() to extract the security key from the panel HTML.
panelCheckEmail() to check if an email account exists.
panelForwardEmail() buggy, to create a forward-only email. Don't use.
And a lot of TODO!